Children with HIV

At SEESHA, we understand the challenges faced by persons with HIV/AIDS, and do our best to help them live healthy and happy lives. Currently, we are providing support to over 120 children living with HIV/AIDS and seeking treatment at the government ART centres in Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu. The following services are offered by SEESHA:

Nutritional Supplements:

On a monthly basis, these children are provided with nutritional supplements required in their diet to keep them healthy despite their failed immunity.


Monthly scholarships support these children in their education, as most of their savings are spent for their healthcare needs.

Psycho-social support:

Through home visits, one-to-one and family counselling, psycho-social support is provided by SEESHA to these children.

Awareness against infections:

As these children are especially susceptible to opportunistic infections and diseases, we conduct awareness sessions to help them stay healthy.