Community Health Facilitators (CHFs)

Motivated women from the SEESHA adopted villages, who have a thirst for learning and a passion to serve their communities, are specifically trained by SEESHA to become Community Health Facilitators.

Listed below are a few activities carried out by CHFs:
  • Create awareness about the importance of health & hygiene, the available government health schemes and facilitate the members in getting help from the respective health authorities.
  • Provide informal counselling, awareness and sharing information on menstrual hygiene, nutrition, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care and new-born health among the community women.
  • Motivating/convincing community people for availing of immunization, early detection and treatment services.
  • Linking needy children with Anganwadis for nutrition and support for child development.
  • Offering support for PHCs/healthcare providers during health screen camps, data collection during surveys, immunization, etc.

Community Based Facilitators (CBFs)

CBFs are women selected and trained by SEESHA from its target project communities to uplift and empower their communities in the developmental aspects of education, healthcare, livelihood, and environment.
  • Along with the usual CHF activities, CBFs are also involved in creating awareness about the ‘Go Green’ initiatives, conducting WASH programs, mobilizing community members to avoid impending disaster threats, and liaising with local Self-Help Groups to learn about funding opportunities for setting up microenterprises.
  • As environment protection is every citizen's responsibility, our CBFs raise awareness about protecting their immediate surroundings, which include the ‘Clean Village’ campaign, tree planting, zero plastic awareness, setting up kitchen gardens, food safety and waste management, home safety, etc.
  • They also sensitize their community’s adolescents & young people about the evils of addictions such as alcohol, tobacco, and substance use and support them in channelling their efforts towards constructive alternatives.

Community Health Facilitators (CHFs) and Community Based Facilitators (CBFs) are already engaged in Cuddalore and Chennai. We are planning to restart the CHF program in Ranchi & Vyara, this year.

This will change to a community-based programme, terming CHFs as Community Coordinators.